Friday, December 28, 2018

It Ain't Worth the Meatballs

Here's a question:

It's well-known that IKEA designs stores so that shoppers will get lost and wander aimlessly through the serpentine aisles and numbingly similar displays, gazing helplessly at lying signs promising "check out/exit" if you will only follow the arrow. I made the mistake of visiting an IKEA yesterday and ended up facing the same lineup of crappy desk lamps three or four times before mistakenly stumbling into the warehouse section with the checkout lines somewhere just over the horizon.

My question:

Do fire marshals ever inspect these hellish mazes?

Doesn't it violate some kind of law if the store-posted exit signs are wildly inconsistent with (i) each other, and (ii) the official internally-illuminated red EXIT signs with the tee-tiny arrows that we're all familiar with?If there is a fire in one of these stores, do employees instruct shoppers to run around in circles, perhaps selecting some nice bamboo oven mitts, before running screaming towards a collapsing wall of flame that is the only visible way of departing the store?
I'm tempted to say I'm never going back there, except that  .  .  .  I'm still here.

IKEA – I Keep Exiting Always.

(Reproduced [without permission] from