Friday, June 4, 2010

Chicago: Go See Kurt Kramer's Photography Exhibition

I'm blessed that I know some very talented people and I'm always delighted to promote their work.  Kurt Kramer did the cover photography for my CD and since then has found some much richer topics to explore.


You can see his work this weekend (June 5-6) at the Flat Iron (a very cool Chicago landmark and itself worth the trip) at 1579 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Studio 323.  You can meet the artist on Saturday from 3 to 10 and from 2 to 5 on Sunday.

Kurt does some splendid things with outdoor lighting.  Not entirely sure how he pulls it off, but it's gorgeous.  And, like the first photo above and this next one, he's has a knack for capturing that Cartier-Bresson "decisive moment."    This tiny reproduction does not do justice to the original -- I saw this one when he was working on it in his studio.  Very striking.
"Milwaukee Art Museum"
Here's another of my favorites:
"Parking Garage"
He also shoots folks, sports, nature, travel, and generally whatever strikes his fancy, all in a way that suggests something new to the viewer.  So go check out Kurt's Chicago show and enrich your soul. 

Also, he's a nice guy and a good friend (we knocked around together when we were single men about town living at Carmen and Sheridan -- Uptown's Gateway to Edgewater) and he would be delighted to say hello.  Not one of those temperamental artists.  Almost certain not to be wearing black.  Give him my best.

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